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Becoming Sophia
July -Leo

unselfishness becomes catharsis

Welcome Creatives! 

To the beginning of this new bold journey dedicated to aligning with our own Wisdom and creating the life of our dreams. 

Each  month we start with a Zodiac Sign and it corresponding Virtue. Let's dive in: July is Leo the Lion.

The virtue or strength of Leo is unselfishness become catharsis. Now we will have to unpack that Virtue.


One of the easiest ways to work with virtues, is to look at definitions of selfishness & unselfishness. Let's start with Selfishness: egocentrism, egotism, egomania, introversion, self-seeking, self-serving, self-obsession, self-absorption, self-regard, self-interest, self-love; lack of consideration,  inconsiderateness,  thoughtlessness,  unthinkingness,  heedlessness,  regardlessness,  insensitivity,  insensitiveness, tactlessness, uncharitableness, unkindness; meanness, miserliness, greed, acquisitiveness, opportunism; informal looking after number one.

Image by Degleex Ganzorig

Unselfishness or generosity : altruistic, disinterested, selfless, self-denying, self-forgetting, self-sacrificing; generous, philanthropic, public-spirited, humanitarian, humane, charitable, compassionate, benevolent, caring, kind, considerate, openhanded, magnanimous, liberal, unsparing, ungrudging, unstinting, decent, noble.

Image by Sticker Mule
Image by Markus Winkler

 CATHARSIS: purging, purgation, purification, cleansing, release, relief, emotional release, freeing, deliverance, exorcism, ridding, emptying. 

DURGA RIDING THE LION: Embroidery below 

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Leo, with the strongly developed heart system, is the true “heart animal.” The lion may be considered as the “heart animal.” The lion's qualities set forth the fifth member which should be borne in mind.

-rudolf steiner

What is catharsis?

Image by Souvik laha

Rudolf Steiner's 6 basic exercises for years: Choose one of the 6 meditations; control of thoughts, control of actions, patience and tenacity, tolerance, faith, and equanimity. The 6 basic exercises are inspired by the Buddhas 8-fold path. These are daily mindfulness practices that help align our emotions, thoughts and actions - all three thinking, feeling & willing need cultivation. 

Lets pick one that aligns with Generosity  we will choose  "Positivity practice"  POSITIVITY combines feeling, thinking & willing. 

The Positivity  exercise is the development of a Positive Attitude to Life! We attempt to seek for the good, praiseworthy, and beautiful in all beings, all experiences and all circumstances. This really is a metanoia practice- changing the heart and mind. 

Soon you will begin to notice the hidden good and beautiful that lies concealed in all things. This is connected with learning not to criticize everything. You can ask how something came to be or to act the way it is. One way to overcome the tendency to criticize is to Recognize


Image by Nathan Dumlao
Image by OSPAN ALI

We all recognize the Negative Nelly's in our life, or the Negative Neds! We limit our time with them, or avoid them completely. They seem to constantly need reassurance, or carry a very self-critical nature, or be critical of others.

Now each of us have trying times, stressful and sometimes we simply feel we cannot go on. The Positivity practice is not SPIRITUAL BYPASSSING! "Everything is FINE!. Love & Light! Love & Light!" 

But we can have our feelings, grief, fears, insecuritys and we can choose at a certain time to REFRAME our feelings about what is going on in our internal and external worlds.

Every day we create a world of Thoughts that is woven with our feelings and our actions or inactions-and this creates our worldview. If we constantly default to the negative, we live in that aura of Negativity. This is why running, swimming, yoga, bouncing, meditation is so good for us, it releases endorphins and changes our mood. 

Image by Junior REIS



It seems like every famous coach is talking about the WILL! in Personal Development coaching. And acting out of our Positive Will - brings benefits more than acting out of our Negative Nelly or Ned. 

Catharsis can come from the constellated obstacles of our lives where the pressure gets so potent, that we can crack open, like a hatched egg. Selflessness can become Catharsis as we Let go of outmoded behaviors or allow a New Dream to develop for our life path.   In most traditions a cathartic conversion is the most important spiritual experience of many people's lives. 

Mature Woman



How do Becoming Sophia Creative Arts members  Meet?
-online classroom& private Facebook group  


• Can Men also Join Becoming Sophia?

-YES! ABSOLUTELY! Becoming Sophia is the journey to align with YOUR internal wisdom- it's not gender specific Women & Men are welcome!

In the 90's - Kristena's women's group was called WOMANSPIRIT and the men's group was called JOURNEY TO THE SACRED MALE.  


• Can I log in from Australia? And from Europe when I am traveling?
-Yes! Each Monthly Zodiac & Virtue is pre-recorded & posted once a month with Weekly art, writing & dream prompts.  

• What do I need for art supplies? 
-What you have around the house-a childs watercolor set, pens, pencils & markers paper, and a journal to write down your ah-Hahs! and dreams and sketches for art projects. 

BONUS!!! There is a Becoming Sophia Creative Arts digital journal for your journey this year!


When you log in there is a Welcome! page to orient the monthly vlogs/zodiac/prompts , and where you can download the Becoming Sophia journal-comes with 50 pages in an 8.5 x 11 format.

• Can I join anytime?   -Yes!

How much does it cost?

Joining our Sophia Creative Arts community is donation based from $5 monthy to $20! and we're believers in the power of giving back. We understand that everyone's financial situation is different we have created a plan that is flexible.



We suggest a donation of $20 to $50 per month. Give whatever feels okay  for you.  

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